Behold Thy Crown!

“Grandchildren are the crown of old men…” (Pro. 17:6)

In 2022, my wife, Susanne, and I were blessed to have our four oldest grandchildren for a weekend. We decided to take them to watch the Civil War re-enactment of “The Battle for the Texas Hospital.” It was very good. Of course, having children there, the food truck was the main attraction–they love to eat.  

Grace, our oldest granddaughter is full of life and tough as nails. She decided to set down and play on the ground. Because she is no longer in training diapers, and the previous day it had rained, she could feel the moisture soaking through her clothes and wetting her bottom. So, being the Southern Princess that she is, she grabbed her pants and panties and pulled them down to her thighs, ‘mooning’ the entire battle field and hordes of people at the food stand. I hadn’t seen a moon presented that clear since my senior year in high school. (But that’s another story!) We quickly helped her recover her dignity, and used the moment to give further instruction about social protocol. It was hilarious, and the innocence of a child is refreshing. It felt as if the Lord was laughing and saying, “Behold thy crown.”

Eli, our youngest grandson, loved the battle. However, right in the middle of the most intense part of cannon fire and close combat, some thing happened. I was standing and locked into the re-enactment, then one of my sons elbowed me and pointed down toward my feet. When I looked down, I saw my young Eli reaching with his hands straight up wanting his Pop. The battle no longer mattered… there was a higher calling. So, I grabbed my young man and held him tight as we talked about the day. With his gentle touch and big smile, he loved on me and I loved on him. It felt as if the Lord was whispering, “Behold thy crown!”

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Casting Shadows

As I looked up from my time of reading and praying, I noticed shadows reflecting upon the wall adjacent from where I was sitting in my recliner. The sun was breaking over the horizon and piercing through the front window. In its path was the small manger scene my wife had placed in our living room. The shadows were intriguing to me as they appeared unique and more distinct. I quickly snapped a photo before the sun changed the image.

The shadow scene revealed a special element as the window pane created a Cross that was grounded at the place where the babe in the manger was located. All things begin with the birth of Christ–purpose, meaning, value, love, and truth. That first Noel from so many years ago left us a simple scene that continues to echo to the hearts of those seeking understanding. Through the birth of Christ, the Lord cast a shadow large enough for all who will humble themselves before Him. God did not leave us without answers!

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There’s A Train Coming

Most mornings throughout the week days, I walk several miles around town. I usually travel throughout neighborhoods and around the high school and nearby parks. I find myself walking by the homes of childhood friends, though most do not live around here any longer. I pray for my old friends that I haven’t seen in years, and for those who still live nearby and are in need of a touch from Christ.

These morning walks are a part of my praying routine after I have had my early morning devotions and reading. I use this time to lift up those going through various trials and struggles. It is also a time of reflecting upon the years that have gone by and the loved ones and friends who have passed on. 

Quitman is an old railroad town built on the banks of the Chickasawhay River. It was destroyed by General Sherman as he marched his troops from Vicksburg to Atlanta in preparation for the famous march to the sea. I remember nights camping on the river or walking after dark and hearing the train whistles echoing through the trees and nighttime air. It has a haunting and lonely sound, but it also has an alluring element to it. 

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Queen Elizabeth’s Last Hill

“You got to walk that lonesome Valley. You got to walk it for yourself.” (Mississippi John Hurt, 1883-1966, Blues singer)

After Queen Elizabeth’s II death, I looked through many photos and events of her life. I love history because it helps to reveal the interconnectedness of generations and events. Elizabeth was elegant and beautiful throughout her life. However, there is one photo that struck me the moment I saw it. 

This photo is from 51 years ago as she climbed a hill in the countryside of Scotland. The background is gorgeous and the photo is stunning. A half-century ago she climbed that hill. This year, she climbed the hill into the presence of God. 

We all will make that journey… some sooner than expected, and others later than expected. And, as bluesman Mississippi John Hurt says in his song, “We got to walk it for ourself.” Each of us will walk the trail, the mountain, or the valley as our life winds down. Sometimes the end of life is not a soft landing; however, for those who belong to Christ, the final rest is always in presence of our Savior.

Continue reading “Queen Elizabeth’s Last Hill”

Smoke Signals

“And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.” (Rev. 8:4)

The Bible gives us the imagery of our prayers rising like incense before the Lord. In the Psalms, King David mentions it also as he compared prayer to incense. As we get older, there is great comfort and encouragement in this. The smoke of our prayers are always swirling and filling the room of God’s presence. Even after we die, the prayers we have offered for our children and grandchildren continue to encircle God’s throne. 

Our prayers for loved ones and friends do not cease when we lay down our physical bodies. Like incense from a sweet smelling candle, the aroma of our faithful prayers will linger before God. In that lingering are the prayers in which we called out the names of our children, grandchildren, and friends. Our grandchildren may grow up not knowing us very well because of distance and little time with them, but we can pray and allow the incense of our prayers for them to be like the smoke of a forest fire pointing them to the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Let’s send out smoke signals for those we love!


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