Behold Thy Crown!

“Grandchildren are the crown of old men…” (Pro. 17:6)

In 2022, my wife, Susanne, and I were blessed to have our four oldest grandchildren for a weekend. We decided to take them to watch the Civil War re-enactment of “The Battle for the Texas Hospital.” It was very good. Of course, having children there, the food truck was the main attraction–they love to eat.  

Grace, our oldest granddaughter is full of life and tough as nails. She decided to set down and play on the ground. Because she is no longer in training diapers, and the previous day it had rained, she could feel the moisture soaking through her clothes and wetting her bottom. So, being the Southern Princess that she is, she grabbed her pants and panties and pulled them down to her thighs, ‘mooning’ the entire battle field and hordes of people at the food stand. I hadn’t seen a moon presented that clear since my senior year in high school. (But that’s another story!) We quickly helped her recover her dignity, and used the moment to give further instruction about social protocol. It was hilarious, and the innocence of a child is refreshing. It felt as if the Lord was laughing and saying, “Behold thy crown.”

Eli, our youngest grandson, loved the battle. However, right in the middle of the most intense part of cannon fire and close combat, some thing happened. I was standing and locked into the re-enactment, then one of my sons elbowed me and pointed down toward my feet. When I looked down, I saw my young Eli reaching with his hands straight up wanting his Pop. The battle no longer mattered… there was a higher calling. So, I grabbed my young man and held him tight as we talked about the day. With his gentle touch and big smile, he loved on me and I loved on him. It felt as if the Lord was whispering, “Behold thy crown!”

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A Three-Pipe Problem

Perhaps the most famous detective in history is Sherlock Holmes. He, along with his trusty assistant Dr. Watson, solved many complex cases that would otherwise remained a mystery if not for their investigative savvy.

In the famed story The Red-Headed League, Watson tells Sherlock that the evidence surrounding one of their investigations was very mysterious. Sherlock responds to Watson by telling him, “This is a three-pipe problem. Please sit quietly and do not say anything for fifty minutes.” After taking the time to think about evidence for the time it took to smoke his three pipes, Sherlock was ready to solve the mystery.

Some of the mysteries of the life and the Scriptures qualify as “Three-Pipe Problems.” Our problem is that we live in a one-pipe world; never slowing down enough to sufficiently reflect upon the matters that are necessary to solve the questions of life on a deeply foundational level. The result is that we continue to stumble into the same old failures and tendencies that are the root causes to many of our problems to began with.

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The Foolishness of Pride

Woodpecker TreeWe live in a culture and generation that celebrates pride. We see it in everything from politics to sports. News organizations give daily updates on the health and extramarital affairs of star athletes while rarely mentioning the sacrifice of the unsung heroes who work with the unfortunate and outcast of society. Even the unlearned and ignorant among Christian circles applaud and promote ministers that strut around like peacocks overflowing with pride.

God said that he “opposes the proud.” (1Pet. 5:5) This is a military term meaning that He sets himself in battle array against the proud. He still does! As Christians, we must never accommodate that which God hates. If we do, it will be to the peril of our own soul.

To illustrate the character of pride, I’m reminded of this story that I heard years ago about Continue reading “The Foolishness of Pride”

Confession of a Free Christian

Hands raisedMost people hates boxes. They require everyone to fit someone’s narrow view of reality and thought. We find this true in Christianity also. Thank God for sound theology and boundaries of historical thought concerning the person and work of Christ. However, the enemy seeks to divide believers by using self-appointed ‘heresy hunters’ who cause divisions while claiming to protect evangelical orthodoxy.

The Lord calls us to freedom in Christ, freedom in worship, freedom in the power of the Holy Spirit. As a free Christian, we are at liberty to worship God free from the narrow thoughts of man as long as our doctrine and practices are within the boundaries of the Holy Scripture. What does a “Free Christian” believe. It can vary, depending on one’s level of study, influences, or maturity. One thing for sure, the Scriptures will have the final say on all matters of faith and practice. For me, here is my confession. Continue reading “Confession of a Free Christian”

I Weep in the Summer

SummerMost people prefer summer to winter. There are opportunities to get out and ‘break a sweat’ doing enjoyable things from yard work to outdoor sports. The warmer temperatures and delightful weather seems to scream, “get out and do something.” This is good. However, many times it comes with a sad element that makes me weep for summer.

What is that element? It is the large number of people who seem to completely forget about God and abandon their convictions and commitments. The summer months seem to promote worship of the god of self. That is, families consume their weekends with constant trips of self pleasure and ‘me-first’ activities, while abandoning integration and spiritual growth with their local church. It is heart breaking and sad. It reveals the lack of true spiritual conversion or spiritual maturity among many church members.

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