Kiss the Son

“Kiss the Son,” (Psalm 2:12)

The Psalms are filled with poetic imagery and figures of speech. These skillful words inspired by the Holy Spirit launch us into deep oceans of thought and imagination. The Psalms speak so powerfully to us because they come from the heart of God as they draw us into the arms of faith.

‘Kissing the Son’ is another way of showing submission to a magistrate. Ancient Kings would extend their hands for their subjects to kiss. It marked and demonstrated a respect and honor toward the king. It also revealed an affection for the ruler. This practice showed subjugation and affection.

My wife and I were babysitting our oldest granddaughter Grace when she was very young. We enjoy reading to our grandchildren and encouraging them to be readers throughout life. While Susanne was reading Bible stories to Grace, something happened. Grace loved what she was hearing about the love and grace of Christ that she bent over and kissed Jesus. Her heart was grateful for the truth she was hearing… AND our hearts were melted by the show of respect and affection that she demonstrated to the Savior!

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