It’s Saturday–Pray Hard For Your Pastor!

Pray for your PastorSaturdays are special to most people. It is the day of relaxation and hobbies. A day to sleep late or do yard work. A day to play with the kids or watch a movie. However, do not forget about your pastor. For those seeking to have a ‘live coal’ from God’s altar to communicate with the congregation, it is a day of spiritual battle and wrestling to get completely settled with the mind of the Lord for the messages the Holy Spirit has laid upon his heart.

Enjoy your family, friends and day off. But through it all, remember that your pastor is in the battle of the week. He has a target on his back as the enemy comes to discourage him, get him off track, or confuse his mind about what he is planning on sharing. He has worked on it all week, on his knees in prayer, and with pencil in hand. Take moments throughout your day and send up a prayer for him. What to pray? Good question.

Pray for:

  • Clarity of mind
  • Focus of heart
  • Anointing of the Holy Spirit
  • Boldness of speech
  • Humility
  • Freedom
  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading

It would amaze and trouble us if we all could see the battle raging in the spirit against our pastor. He needs our prayers, our encouragement and our intercession. The weight of souls is swinging heavy on his heart and eternity is in the balance. He is fighting for the lost, that they would be stirred to consider Christ. And for the saved, that they would be stirred to fulfill God’s calling and destiny in their life.

How do I know this?

Because I am a pastor.


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